once upon a time...

My photo
keswick, cumbria, United Kingdom
Once upon a time when no one was looking because dark glasses were in that autumn, and no one was listening because the popular music of the time was loud and brassy, the key to life was stolen by two no good good for nothing partners in crime who passed it on with sly winks and too much blusher to the only cat they knew who was up with the jive talk and down with the kids. if all goes to plan she’ll sling it to the back of her knicker drawer and it won’t see the disco lights again, until one day in the winter when the clouds fall like rain and the word on the streets is bring on the black hole, because as everybody knew all along this was only ever just a temporary measure...

Friday, 17 December 2010

and so there is a gentleman...

and so there is a gentleman called bob bryden and he is keswick's town crier and he is without a doubt the greatest town crier that any town has ever had. this is a fact. he has the best costume and the loudest voice, and he is also lovely, although he does tell terrible jokes. sorry bob they are mainly terrible. we are lucky enough to be his favourite place for a sit down and a coffee, even though elvis barks at him because he has the audacity to wear a cycle helmet. yesterday he came in because he needed a coffee and he needed five minutes peace, and he decided to use his five minutes peace to write us a poem, and this is his poem...

thanks bob x
i think there should be a revival of poetry where each line starts from the letters of a word, it would need a catchier name than that but still. i just don't understand why there isn't more of it about, it is quite obviously genius...  

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