once upon a time...

My photo
keswick, cumbria, United Kingdom
Once upon a time when no one was looking because dark glasses were in that autumn, and no one was listening because the popular music of the time was loud and brassy, the key to life was stolen by two no good good for nothing partners in crime who passed it on with sly winks and too much blusher to the only cat they knew who was up with the jive talk and down with the kids. if all goes to plan she’ll sling it to the back of her knicker drawer and it won’t see the disco lights again, until one day in the winter when the clouds fall like rain and the word on the streets is bring on the black hole, because as everybody knew all along this was only ever just a temporary measure...

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

bears are trickier than rabbits...

so it has been a long time coming that is for certain. and the main reason for this is because of a little something that we have come to learn, and it's something that many other people have also come to learn, some in a particularly hard way involving wilderness and tents and growls in the night, and the thing that we have learned is this...

bears are trickier than rabbits...

it's true, remember it. it might come in useful one day. 
and so having learnt this valuable lesson together we now have something exciting to show you...bear book previews!!!!!!! yes we are nearly there and in celebration of our nearly thereness we thought we should show you some sneaky previews. so here they are and incase you needed to know, the last time we met the bear he was being woken up by one self assured and delightful rabbit in,

'once upon a time when i was a rabbit
and there was nothing i couldn't do...'

in our new story,

'once upon a time when i was the biggest big bear
in the whole of the wide world...'

it turns out that our big bear is quite the wonderer, so before each of the following pages you have to read out a line that goes like this...

and then sometimes i would wake and stretch and wonder if maybe just maybe...

and then sometimes i would wake and stretch and wonder if maybe just maybe...
and then sometimes i would wake and stretch and wonder if maybe just maybe...

and then sometimes i would wake and stretch and wonder
my most important wondering of all,
if maybe, just maybe, there was something bigger out there
in the wide world than the biggest big bear...

and that's your lot! if you would like to see any more you know the drill, it will be available on our website and in the shop as soon as we have it printed up and ready to go , which hopefully, despite the trickiness of bears and in particular biggest big bears, will be very soon indeed... 



  1. Hi Emma, I'm making Ooooh noises as I look at these bears, they are gorgeous!Bears are my obsession http://witchmountain.wordpress.com . I was in the shop on Monday (and left a card), I left with a ball of wool for no particular reason other than it was soft and heather coloured.I love the idea behind your work and shop, it has been my dream to do something similar over here( North York Moors). looking forward to reading some more of this blog. x

  2. WOW!!! so glad I found you! i think your gallery/bookshop/tea room sounds like the best job ever! maybe I can come visit some day!!! or start my own :) i must get this book and wonder if you have a newsletter to let me know when it will be coming out!?
